Monday, September 15, 2014

Tourism in Morocco : J'irai dormir chez Vous

J'airai Dormir Chez Vous : Maroc 

In this post we will introduce the issue of Antoine deMaximy who visit Morocco in his tour to the world, and he was surprised by the hospitality of the Moroccan people, they leave you to discover the details:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tourism in Morocco : Ifrane


Situated in the mountains of the Middle Atlas, Ifrane is an oasis of greenery and freshness. Lakes, fountains, the change of scenery, surprising and refreshing. 

Clean Air 

Upon arrival in Ifrane, is the impression of freshness dominates. Broad avenues, parks, European style villas, you will discover here a little-known facet of North Africa. Sources and lakes abound in this region at the heart of a forest of cedars. The cottages evoke the sloping roof also surprisingly Switzerland. A break of infinite sweetness. Southeast on Highway Azrou, a multitude of extinct volcanoes form the landscape of Ito, rocky horizon at nightfall, reminds many lunar craters. 

Springs and waterfalls 

Source Vittel and waterfalls are an ideal walking goal. Follow the river a few hundred meters and see the forest of maples and poplars that run down the water source. In summer, small rides are proposed to reach the waterfalls. 

blue mausoleum 

A few kilometers along the road to Meknes, you will find the mausoleum of a marabout, a holy man of the sixteenth century, Sidi Abdesslam. Bruised Zelliges, the mausoleum is an important pilgrimage site, nestled in a valley covered with cypress and olive trees. A little above the village, dozens of ancient cave dwellings are still used as stables or as storage areas.

Some Pictures of Ifrane :

Map Of Ifrane : 

Tourism in Morocco : Tétouan

An art of living

The Medina of Tetouan and its unique labyrinth of shady streets, is a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Its important Mellah (Jewish Quarter) was called Little Jerusalem. It is the liveliest place at night. Here, the souks are well separated, each occupying a specific business area. The Tarafin street lined with jewelers, leads instead Hassan II and the Royal Palace, a fine example of Moorish architecture. To the west, modern side, lies the new town, El Ensanche. His little five-storey maximum, with shops on the ground floor, were built under the Spanish protectorate. 

Museums and Schools 

In the medina, you will find the archaeological museum near the Bab door off, and the Museum of Moroccan Arts, next to Bab El Oqla. The first presents beautiful mosaics and a multitude of artifacts from the Roman era, borrowed from Lixus site. The second, ethnological, on traditional costumes and regional musical instruments. Near the museum, the school of Arts and Crafts teaches all craft specialties. The National Institute of Fine Arts, founded in 1947 by Mariano Bertuchi, Spanish painter, has the distinction of having since 2000 a teaching comics section. She welcomes every year since 2004 the International Festival of Comics.

Some Pictures :

Map Of Tetouan :

Tourism in Morocco : Fés or Fez

the capital of the traditional culture of Morocco: 

Medersas / Schools 

A madrasah is a school where the Koran is taught and all academic subjects of knowledge: mathematics, grammar, history, astronomy, medicine ... In Morocco, especially Fez, the function of the madrasas is also welcome students from other regions. Generally, it is organized around a central courtyard with a fountain. Classes are taught in the rich arcades on the sides. 

The oldest university 

Karaouiyine mosque is one of the largest in Morocco. It houses the university considered the world's oldest, founded in the mid-ninth century, when the core subjects: theology, grammar and Koranic law. Opposite Madrasa El-Attarine is considered the most beautiful of the medina. 


The Marinids erected this masterpiece between 1323 and 1325 Its courtyard is beautifully decorated. The walls are covered with carved wooden suras or plaster. Fountain and marble columns are decorated with tiles. 

Bou Inania 

Built between 1350 and 1357, is the largest of Fez. Upon entry, gorgeous with its heavy doors to the leaves of carved bronze, you will be impressed by the profusion of faience, refinement plaster and wood carvings and carved stalactites called Mukarnas, signing Merinid architecture. The court, onyx and marble, surmounted by a canopy of green tiles typical of Fez.

Some pictures Of Fés :

Map Of Fés : 

Tourism in Morocco : Dakhla

A beautiful setting :

At the mouth of the Rio de Oro, Dakhla was founded in 1884 by the Spanish. At the time, it was called Villa Cisneros. This small fishing port is at the edge of a beautiful lagoon with turquoise waters. In addition to hosting thousands of migratory birds, including colonies of flamingos, the bay is home to the largest population of monk seals. Its waters are frequented by stingrays and humpback dolphins. The grand Punta Sarga at the southern end of the peninsula is the site recommended to watch. 

Funny occupations :

Considered by surfing champions as one of the most beautiful spots in the world, the place is ideal for all winter sports on the water ... but on the sand dunes! To feel in communion with nature, it is possible to sleep under tents khaïmats (traditional collective desert habitat) in a surf camp. The sulfur water shower 38 ° C hot spring Asmaa is to try: it is deemed excellent for the skin, respiratory disorders and bone. The lagoon of the Rio de Oro is also one of the richest fishing areas in the world. The star of the place is the croaker (called lean in France). Surf casting, ie by catching feet on the water, it is possible to catch fish that can grow up to 2 meters and weigh up to
80 pounds.

Some Pictures Of Dakhla :

Map Of Dakhla :