Monday, September 15, 2014

Tourism in Morocco : J'irai dormir chez Vous

J'airai Dormir Chez Vous : Maroc 

In this post we will introduce the issue of Antoine deMaximy who visit Morocco in his tour to the world, and he was surprised by the hospitality of the Moroccan people, they leave you to discover the details:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tourism in Morocco : Ifrane


Situated in the mountains of the Middle Atlas, Ifrane is an oasis of greenery and freshness. Lakes, fountains, the change of scenery, surprising and refreshing. 

Clean Air 

Upon arrival in Ifrane, is the impression of freshness dominates. Broad avenues, parks, European style villas, you will discover here a little-known facet of North Africa. Sources and lakes abound in this region at the heart of a forest of cedars. The cottages evoke the sloping roof also surprisingly Switzerland. A break of infinite sweetness. Southeast on Highway Azrou, a multitude of extinct volcanoes form the landscape of Ito, rocky horizon at nightfall, reminds many lunar craters. 

Springs and waterfalls 

Source Vittel and waterfalls are an ideal walking goal. Follow the river a few hundred meters and see the forest of maples and poplars that run down the water source. In summer, small rides are proposed to reach the waterfalls. 

blue mausoleum 

A few kilometers along the road to Meknes, you will find the mausoleum of a marabout, a holy man of the sixteenth century, Sidi Abdesslam. Bruised Zelliges, the mausoleum is an important pilgrimage site, nestled in a valley covered with cypress and olive trees. A little above the village, dozens of ancient cave dwellings are still used as stables or as storage areas.

Some Pictures of Ifrane :

Map Of Ifrane : 

Tourism in Morocco : Tétouan

An art of living

The Medina of Tetouan and its unique labyrinth of shady streets, is a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Its important Mellah (Jewish Quarter) was called Little Jerusalem. It is the liveliest place at night. Here, the souks are well separated, each occupying a specific business area. The Tarafin street lined with jewelers, leads instead Hassan II and the Royal Palace, a fine example of Moorish architecture. To the west, modern side, lies the new town, El Ensanche. His little five-storey maximum, with shops on the ground floor, were built under the Spanish protectorate. 

Museums and Schools 

In the medina, you will find the archaeological museum near the Bab door off, and the Museum of Moroccan Arts, next to Bab El Oqla. The first presents beautiful mosaics and a multitude of artifacts from the Roman era, borrowed from Lixus site. The second, ethnological, on traditional costumes and regional musical instruments. Near the museum, the school of Arts and Crafts teaches all craft specialties. The National Institute of Fine Arts, founded in 1947 by Mariano Bertuchi, Spanish painter, has the distinction of having since 2000 a teaching comics section. She welcomes every year since 2004 the International Festival of Comics.

Some Pictures :

Map Of Tetouan :

Tourism in Morocco : Fés or Fez

the capital of the traditional culture of Morocco: 

Medersas / Schools 

A madrasah is a school where the Koran is taught and all academic subjects of knowledge: mathematics, grammar, history, astronomy, medicine ... In Morocco, especially Fez, the function of the madrasas is also welcome students from other regions. Generally, it is organized around a central courtyard with a fountain. Classes are taught in the rich arcades on the sides. 

The oldest university 

Karaouiyine mosque is one of the largest in Morocco. It houses the university considered the world's oldest, founded in the mid-ninth century, when the core subjects: theology, grammar and Koranic law. Opposite Madrasa El-Attarine is considered the most beautiful of the medina. 


The Marinids erected this masterpiece between 1323 and 1325 Its courtyard is beautifully decorated. The walls are covered with carved wooden suras or plaster. Fountain and marble columns are decorated with tiles. 

Bou Inania 

Built between 1350 and 1357, is the largest of Fez. Upon entry, gorgeous with its heavy doors to the leaves of carved bronze, you will be impressed by the profusion of faience, refinement plaster and wood carvings and carved stalactites called Mukarnas, signing Merinid architecture. The court, onyx and marble, surmounted by a canopy of green tiles typical of Fez.

Some pictures Of Fés :

Map Of Fés : 

Tourism in Morocco : Dakhla

A beautiful setting :

At the mouth of the Rio de Oro, Dakhla was founded in 1884 by the Spanish. At the time, it was called Villa Cisneros. This small fishing port is at the edge of a beautiful lagoon with turquoise waters. In addition to hosting thousands of migratory birds, including colonies of flamingos, the bay is home to the largest population of monk seals. Its waters are frequented by stingrays and humpback dolphins. The grand Punta Sarga at the southern end of the peninsula is the site recommended to watch. 

Funny occupations :

Considered by surfing champions as one of the most beautiful spots in the world, the place is ideal for all winter sports on the water ... but on the sand dunes! To feel in communion with nature, it is possible to sleep under tents khaïmats (traditional collective desert habitat) in a surf camp. The sulfur water shower 38 ° C hot spring Asmaa is to try: it is deemed excellent for the skin, respiratory disorders and bone. The lagoon of the Rio de Oro is also one of the richest fishing areas in the world. The star of the place is the croaker (called lean in France). Surf casting, ie by catching feet on the water, it is possible to catch fish that can grow up to 2 meters and weigh up to
80 pounds.

Some Pictures Of Dakhla :

Map Of Dakhla :

Tourism in Morocco : Chafchaouen

The Pearl of the North 

The old town 

Wedged between two mountains, Chefchaouen is a city with whitewashed blue and white houses. A powerful charm that one feels good about the place Outa el Hammam in the medina paved with pebbles. Sitting on the terrace of a cafe, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the Grand Mosque Tarik Ben Ziad whose octagonal minaret is inspired by that of the Torre de Oro in Seville. This Andalusian architecture is found in the kasbah and its gardens in the heart of the medina. Its walls and crenellated towers eleven, which was used as a dungeon, host an interesting ethnographic museum. 

A living culture 

In the small museum of the Kasbah are collections of embroidery and colorful clothes and varied like those women in the region. The famous jilbab, the long, loose garment worn by men and women of North Africa, was created here. The welcome and hospitality of its people are confirmed during the visit of a traditional oil mill (there are over 1500) or a craft workshop. Besides weaving, Chefchaouen is known for its basketry and pottery. You can also attend a workshop introduction to pottery Ghzaoua, and leave with your own berradas (water jugs) or a simpler goulla (jar). Generally, pottery Rif region is sober. Black or red paint is applied directly to the clay. The walk continues until Rif Sebbarim, neighborhood laundries, on the place which stands a mosque in the fifteenth century. Visiting agadirs or fortified granaries in the region is also needed. Finally, no way to leave the city without tasting the cheese mountain goat. This is perhaps the best of Morocco. 

This peaceful town is a museum here, the craft tradition is alive and well! Be captivated by its authentic charm.

Some Pictures of Chefchaouen :

Map Of Chefchaouen :

Tourism in Morocco : Méknes

Heritage and simplicity :

In the seventeenth century, the Alawite Sultan Moulay Ismail Meknes decided to make one of the finest and most powerful imperial cities of Morocco. Today, protected by forty kilometers of walls, it has preserved imposing monuments, including many mosques that earned him the nickname "city of a hundred minarets". Among them, the Great Mosque, probably founded in the twelfth century, is remarkable for its doors to beautiful carved canopies. Its medina and the remains of the royal palace in Meknes have earned to be a World Heritage Site by Unesco. The city is still thriving, taking advantage of the rich cultures of plain Sais (cereals, olive trees and vines). 

 palace and doors 

Considered one of the most beautiful doors in the world, Bab Mansour was built in the early eighteenth century. It opens with the imperial city itself, where a visit to the mausoleum of Sultan remains a curiosity. You can also meditate on the pool of Agdal, huge rectangular tank. 

Markets and bustling squares 

Meknes has one of the most popular medinas of Morocco. Place El-Hedime exactly between the old town and the Imperial part of the city, houses the indoor market and comes alive at dusk: fire eaters, storytellers, jugglers and animal trainers create a warm and exotic. 

traditional Culture 

The Regional Ethnographic Museum, housed in the palace Dar Jamai, revolves smoothly around beautiful Andalusian garden. Embroidered with gold, ceramics and antique jewelry wire give a comprehensive overview of past splendours of the Kingdom. 

Roman ruins :

31km north of Meknes extends wider Roman archaeological site in Morocco: Volubilis. Triumphal arch Capitol House of Bacchus, all testament to the splendor of the city and its economic and political weight. Not to mention the emotional delicacy mosaics. Allow a minimum of two hours to discover this treasure open.

Some Pictures of Méknes city :

Map Of Méknes :

Tourism in Morocco : Saidia

Splendor of the Mediterranean :

A beautiful bay, and above 14 km of sandy beach ... Saidia is a new generation of resort that its Moroccan charm. Stroll under the mimosa and eucalyptus trees that line the beach, sunbathe freely and especially dive into the turquoise water that invites you to relax. 

To appreciate the transparency and clarity of the sea lapping gently, a walk on the ledge is required. It is the meeting place for families and holidaymakers in the late afternoon, when the sand takes a bronze hue and everything becomes softer and softer. 

The brand new marina, with 850 rings will be a hiking destination, even if you are not a sailor! Here you will find sailing schools, diving and water skiing. Nearby restaurants, a spa, shops. A diverse range of activities and services to you for an unforgettable holiday in a playing card elegance and modern comfort. 

Enjoy your stay in Saidia to go to Oujda, about sixty miles south of the resort. The capital of the Oriental region of Morocco has a beautiful medina whose kasbah, the ancient citadel watch on a Koranic school in the fourteenth century. Oujda also invites you to explore its beautiful markets. It's the perfect atmosphere for listening to music gharnatie, melancholic tones Arab-Andalusian.

Some Pictures of Splendor of the Mediterranean :

Map Of Saidia :

Tourism in Morocco : Tanger

mythical destination :
Today, the powerful charm of Tangier operates ... The formerly sulphurous streets of Petit Socco terraces more than ever avant-garde of the many cafes. 

Historically, the medina of Tangier has fascinated and inspired artists. Eugène Delacroix, Henri Matisse, Paul Bowles, Tennessee Williams, Jean Genet ... the list goes on. All succumbed to the charm of the place du Petit Socco and cafes, including the famous Tingis. Despite its bad reputation because of the casinos and dance halls that abounded at the time. North of the medina, the old Palais du Mendoub, built in 1929, is now a house for welcoming foreign guests. In the far south, the museum is installed in the former American Legation. This building houses paintings and an entire room is devoted to the American writer Paul Bowles. It is through the Grand Socco you'll get out of the medina, a very lively place in the evening, which begins the transition to the new city. 

North of the Grand Socco, the park Mendoubia offers a pleasant stroll. Fig and banyan giant dragon that would highlight the visit 800 years. Take the Rue de la Liberté, a shopping street you will come to the place of France. This is the heart of the modern city with the famous Grand Café de Paris and the Hotel El Minzah frequented by big names in art and literature of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This place is always in fashion. By moving on instead of Faro with his guns, you will discover the breathtaking views of the Medina, the harbor and the bay of Tangier. At the top of the cliff, the mythical Hafa cafe overlooks the Strait of Gibraltar.

Some Pictures of the city of Tangier :

Map Of Tangier :

Tourism in Morocco : Imouzzer

Berber Eden 

Welcome to the land of honey and argan. Nestling in the heart of the beautiful and fertile valley, here Immouzzer city Berber tribes Ida Outanane. 
At 61 km north of Agadir, after climbing mountains, a valley with a variety of landscapes and contrasting colors called discovery. This place of terraced fields and undulating plateaus covered with argan trees, palm trees, almond trees, juniper and olive trees, this is Paradise Valley. This is where the white houses of the little town of Immouzzer appear, overlooking a palm grove surrounded by almond, olive and argan. This tree grows only in this region of Morocco. The high quality oil derived from the nuts used in cooking and cosmetics industry. The surrounding Imouzzer provide an opportunity to drop freshness, whether natural pools in the throat of Asif Tamraght or cascades of Wadi Tinkert (including water flows only in winter) . Another production of this rich soil, honey celebrated every year in August. The region, particularly Izourki Oufella in different product highly refined base thyme varieties, orange blossom and even cactus, very popular in Morocco. 
The large Berber tribe Ida Outanane is associated with the name of the city. Its strong cultural identity and traditions are revealed at the option of the traditional villages along the valley of paradise. Ida Outanane lived independently until 1927. 
Imouzzer Ida Outanane is the capital of a preserved, almost hidden valley, which resembles the gardens of Paradise.

Some Pictures :

Map Of Imouzzer :