Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tourism in Morocco: arrivals grew by 10% in January 2014

The tourism business has maintained its rate of growth in January 2014 with an 10% increase in tourist arrivals at the border compared to the same month of 2013, according to the tourism ministry.

This performance was reflected in the nights that followed the same trend with an increase of 9 PC compared to the same period last year. 

The same source explains that the key source markets of the Kingdom began 2014 with positive results with a 22 for the UK PC, PC 20 for Italy, 15 PC for Belgium, 12 PC for Germany and France for 8 pc. 

As for overnight stays in tourist accommodation establishments classified, they were up 9 PC (PC 14 for non-resident tourists), the ministry said in a statement adding that the three leading tourist destinations in the Kingdom, to Learn Marrakech, Agadir and Casablanca, have made up 11 PC, accumulating nearly 73 pc of total overnight stays. 

The cities of Fez and Rabat, in turn, showed an increase of 13 PCs each. 

In terms of rooms occupied, the occupancy rate was up two percentage points from the same month last year, thus placing 37 PC in January 2014, while revenues reached tentative travel 4.3 billion dirhams.

   Source :

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