Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tourism in Morocco : Assila

Assila, counter and stronghold

Of Phoenician origin, Asilah is a major city in the Mauritanian time strikes currency. Idrissids will establish a fortified camp from the eighth century. She started to fire and sword by the repeated attacks of the Vikings, then restored and strengthened by the sultans of Cordoba, and Asilah became a prosperous city. It is taken by the Portuguese in 1471 with a fleet of five hundred ships, and will remain in their hands until the Battle of the Three Kings, Aug. 4, 1578, a sort of Poitiers Maghreb, which finalizes the Portuguese expansion. King Sebastian of Portugal I ° lost his life, as the sultans Abd el-Malek and Mouataouakil. Asilah then fell to the Spaniards, until its conquest by Moulay Ismail in 1691. 

She will experience one second celebrity in the early twentieth century, the robber Raisuli raging in the region, had obtained in exchange for his cooperation with the government, the caïdat on the Tangier region. But he was soon driven out of that city, and went to Asilah finally fell in 1906 when the First World War, when he decided to side with the Germans against the Spaniards. 

Small Andalusian town gripped in his monumental ramparts, old houses with painted blue and green woodwork and ornate moucharabiehs make its charm. Three doors only allow to enter the medina, the Gate of the Sea (Bab el-Bahr) and the door of the Earth (Bab Homar), on either side of the square tower, still decorated with Portuguese coat of arms . You can also visit the palace Raisuli, and a cemetery whose graves are decorated with tiles. 

Asilah has a beautiful beach, it is also the center of many cultural events.

Here are some pictures of the city of Assila :

Other information : 

Asilah is an hour about Tangier, by road. Also, on weekends, come in many Spanish neighbors. For French, the faster will be the same way to land at Tangier. Then integrate Asilah in a long descent along the coast, across El Jadida, Oualidia, who knows until Agadir and Laayoune.

Map Of Assila :

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