Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tourism in Morocco : El Jadida

El Jadida, the other Portuguese city

El Jadida was a Phoenician, before being taken over by the Portuguese. They casually refer Mazagan, the rebuild and strengthen, which enabled them to withstand two and a half centuries, making one of their last bastions. She was reputed to be the safest place in West Africa. 

Upon flee before the troops of Sidi Mohammed ben Abdallah in 1769, the Portuguese undermined strongholds and burned the city, which was rebuilt in 1815 under the name of El-Jadida (New Town). In the nineteenth an important Jewish quarter develops. 

Today, El Jadida is a tourist town for Moroccans, who take advantage of the beautiful beach of Sidi Bouzid. She has more authenticity that Essaouira. In El Jadida, it is possible to make Moroccan holiday, with Moroccans. The Ramparts Walk is faster than Essaouira, but the port is also interesting. 

Four of the five bastions mined were rebuilt after the siege of 1769, the Bastion of the Holy Spirit provides access to the walkway which can do the trick, and dominates the ruins of the old castle, while the bastion of Angel offers a beautiful view of the city and the door of the Sea. 

Inside the walls we see many old Portuguese style houses, unfortunately quite dilapidated, as the old church and the old synagogue, abandoned. 

Above all, the Portuguese cistern, rediscovered by the merest chance in 1916 alone is worth the visit. This huge room of 1,100 m2 has superb arches illuminated by a central well reflected in some puddles reminiscent formerly this beautiful space was to be filled with water. 

In our picture circuits, it can be arranged a session shooting in the Portuguese cistern.

And here are some pictures of the Portuguese town :

A visit to El Jedida and around: 

the beaches 

Sidi Bouzid, Sidi Moussa and further, two beautiful beaches, more beautiful than the main beach of the city. We go to Sidi Moussa across the fields, and then on a small unspoilt beach, sheltered behind a rock cord that creates a tranquil lagoon. Simply having won a picnic for a day away from it all, right in the happiness. 

The Portuguese cistern 

Place flagship El Jadida, she visits every day, at the usual times (closed 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.). This large room is impressive. Water is always present in small puddles retained by the soil sealed. The central skylight is dazzling and showcases the beautiful arcades

Map Of El Jadida :

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