Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tourism in Morocco : Essaouira

Essaouira, formerly Mogador

Essaouira, whose name means "beautiful image", or "well designed", in reference to the plans of French Théodore Cornut, is a separate city in Morocco. Apart from its history, for its population, which was almost long abroad, apart from its atmosphere, nice calm and quiet behind its thick walls recluse, sheltered from the winds of the Atlantic. Contrast between a quiet town and a tumultuous environment. 

Essaouira is built on an island almost swept by the winds constantly, making it a haven of coolness in the summer of Morocco, and a surfer's paradise. 

Like other Portuguese cities, it was originally a Phoenician whose presence is attested from 630 BC. She became famous for the manufacture of purple, sought by the Roman Empire, and developed as a port harbor Berber, under the name of Amogdoul (well attended) where the goods transited the Souss and the entire southern Morocco . The Portuguese use as commercial basis and distort his name Mogdoura, who became Spanish Mogadour and finally Mogador in French. They build in 1506 a royal castle at the harbor entrance, and develop the intensive exploitation of sugarcane. 

Skala Essaouira 
Yet the essential monument of Essaouira Skala, was built by a French. Indeed, in 1764, the Alawite sultan who wanted to punish Agadir his sling load of this construction Theodore Cornut, a prisoner who will draw a city square, wide streets, from behind Vauban fortifications. Essaouira often evokes St Malo is a new city of the XVII (As in France Rochefort built Mem way to punish La Rochelle). 

The city takes its name from Essaouira (the image), or Are Souira, the fortified place), both referring to plans Cornut. 

Sultan assured the development of his new city by asking European consuls to settle there, as the richest families in the kingdom, the Tujjar-el-Sultan, the king's traders. It became a cosmopolitan city rubbed Arabic, Berber and Gnawa, descendants of former black slaves (Guineans). At the end of the eighteenth there was nearly a thousand Europeans, for commerce, and the city secured 40% of maritime trade. Under the protectorate, it will decline to compete in Casablanca and Agadir. 

She now reborn as a tourist and cultural destination. Its ramparts offer splendid walks, and its harbor full of life exuberant show. When large trawlers return, an armada of dockworkers discharge baskets of fish, which are emptied on trays and covered with ice. Carriers waxed and padded headgear then transport these were disgusting trays on their heads to the trucks. Meanwhile, crews prepare the boats and nets to the next exit. There is never any respite. On site, sailors, dockers and tourists restore tasty fish and seafood grilled outdoors.

A visit to Essaouira and around: 

Skala and walls 

Skala is the call, the fort houses the sailors in the harbor. Skala live filming of Orson Welles's Othello and still attracts artists and photographers. Its still decorated with Portuguese guns platform is the base for a tour of the ramparts. Thick walls, it has both a view of the narrow streets of the Interior, and the sea, through the slots. Souiries the houses are somewhat protected from the wind thanks to the thick walls. But most are higher than the walls, which you can admire the ocean from the terraces. 

Sidi Kaouki surfer's paradise 

20 kms of Essaouira, bordered by argan road we reached Sidi Kaouki another spot of surfers, who was famous in the 60s as Jimi Hendrix stayed. 

His marabout directly facing the sea is run down, but very appealing. The wide beach is still relatively empty, we can also do horseback riding. 

the islands 

One can also connect to a half-hour boat purpuraires the islands, which are home to a bird sanctuary, and the island of Mogador where the remains of a large prison, where Juba II, King of Mauretania Tingitane had installed a factory purple. 

Medina and the Jewish quarter are picturesque and the shops and artisans long stop tourists.

Map Of Essaouira :

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