Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tourism in Morocco - Vision 2020

Vision 2020, presented November 30, 2010 in Marrakech before His Majesty King Mohammed VI's goal is to increase the size of the tourism sector to raise the Morocco among the most popular tourist destinations worldwide.
The contract - tourism program developed jointly by private sector operators and government, has been endorsed by the highest authority of the state.
Vision 2020 presented to the sovereign by Mr. Yassir Zenagui, former Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, is the strategy of the tourism regionalization, quality and sustainability. It was designed under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to showcase each region of Morocco, and to set up a tourism that respects the environment. Sustainable development is indeed a major focus of the Vision 2020 Moroccan tourism will take into account the preservation of natural resources, maintaining the socio-cultural authenticity of the regions and the development and well being of local people. The "eco territories" will emerge: it will be true of Morocco showcases for sustainable development. 
Vision 2020 will play an important role in the advanced regionalization in which the Kingdom is committed, through an innovative approach and relying on multiple territories. These areas have a tourist consistency, attractiveness and critical mass necessary for an international position.
Thus, each territory with a positioning and a specific ambition will be to develop a clear roadmap. All this in close consultation with all local stakeholders: politicians, professionals, civil society and public actors. A special effort will be made to develop a range of cultural activities and entertainment of international standing, able to enhance the attractiveness of our tourist destinations. Several major projects, driven and supported by the State, the regions and the private sector, will be put in place: the 2020 program Azur (French Riviera in continuity with the plan); Heritage and Heritage program (to showcase the cultural identity of Morocco); Eco & Green program (promote natural spaces of exception); the Animation and Entertainment Program (enrich the tourist offer hospitality and make it more competitive); the program Niches high value added (position Morocco as a destination of international standing on the wellness); the Biladi (one of the main priorities of Vision 2020 with the completion of several stations initially planned in the most popular with our citizens regions).
A major key success factors of Vision 2020, given the various challenges it faces (cross sector - regionalization-sustainability), depends on the capacity of Tourism to implement a new governance of the sector. A High Tourism Authority will be created: it is a public-private instance involving regions, which will be responsible for ensuring consistency of national and regional strategies, to coordinate, monitor and evaluate their implementation. 

To materialize the integrated land management, Agencies Tourist Development approach will be developed in parallel. They have main missions to monitor the implementation of the regional route sheets, develop the attractiveness of destinations and oversee strategic projects to ensure their effective implementation. These agencies will become the sole contact on all matters related to tourism, and will be a real platform for dialogue. They will receive all the support, expertise and competence of the national authorities in charge of tourism.

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